Visit Hauschild Engineering exhibition #booth1214 at the Ceramics Expo 2023, Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi, Michigan, USA, May 2-3
Hauschild shows its original Hauschild SpeedMixer® and demonstrates bubble-free and homogeneous mixing of ceramics.
Press Information
Innovation made easy:
Improvement of ceramics through new material mixture in the Hauschild SpeedMixer®
Dental products, medical devices or insulators are ceramics that can easily be mixed in a Hauschild SpeedMixer®. The DAC mixer, which Hauschild Engineering invented and launched some 50 years ago, was developed for exactly this purpose: to mix ceramics for dentistry.
Today, the use of this magic mixer has expanded dramatically: In the R&D labs of leading companies around the world, Hauschild SpeedMixer® are used to invent and produce more and more new materials. Ceramics are just one of an infinite number; but being able to mix them homogeneously remains one of the unique selling points of the specialist from Germany.
Hamm/Detroit, March xx, 2023. – Metal oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides and silicates – the list of ceramic materials is long. In particular, the new generation of ceramic composites exhibit nanodimensions in one or more phases, offering potential applications in a number of challenging areas. They exhibit exceptional mechanical, electrical and electronic properties.
The materials are constantly being optimized in terms of hardness, high-temperature resistance, suitability as thermal and electrical insulators, they should be 3D printable and injection moldable, and they must also be cost-effective and lightweight.
When put to use, ceramic powders are typically formulated into a slurry with a binder and a solvent which is later baked out during the sintering process. “The formulation process is best supported by the mixing technology in the Hauschild SpeedMixer®, as the mixing quality of the slurry is directly related to the performance, strength and durability of the final product,” says Davide Davi, CEO Americas of Hauschild SpeedMixer In, the exclusive distributor of the German technology leader. “When formulating ceramics, a homogeneous mixture is a must,” he adds.
Other advantages of the Hauschild SpeedMixer® include rapid prototyping, which leads to improved formulations and end products. And most important for many applications: the results are reproducible over and over again.
Experts from Hauschild Engineering advise their customers which DAC mixer is the right one for the planned application by testing the material onsite and determine the best technical option. The product portfolio includes machines that can mix under vacuum or that can be also integrated into a robotic solution.
More: Ceramics – Hauschild SpeedMixer (hauschild-speedmixer.de)
YouTube: Mixing ceramic powders and slurries: https://youtu.be/CBzHdw-qIyM
Photo (Hauschild Engineering): Improvement of ceramics through new material mixture in the Hauschild SpeedMixer®
Photos-Download-Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MzLfcd44wJI9hQksm3MxJhSfZI9QRJAm?usp=sharing
About Hauschild Engineering:
The family-owned company Hauschild Engineering employs around 40 people and has been developing and producing the Hauschild SpeedMixer® at its headquarters in Hamm/Germany since 1974, selling it directly or with partners all over the world.
The original Hauschild SpeedMixer® offers perfect mixing results from a few grams or milliliters up to ten kilograms or sixteen liters. The machines are mostly used in laboratories that mix substances as part of their research and development work, as well as by companies that require small batch mixes for quality assurance.
Within few minutes, different liquids can be mixed with pastes or powders, pastes with powders, powders with powders, and substances with different chemical and physical properties – all without the use of stirring tools. The Hauschild SpeedMixer®, including all components, are manufactured according to a highest-quality standards – made in Germany.
Press contact:
Mareike Boccola
Hauschild GmbH & Co KG (Hauschild Engineering)
Waterkamp 1, 59075 Hamm, Germany
Phone: +49 2381 482050
Fax: +49 2381 4820517
email: m.boccola@speedmixer.com
Web: www.hauschild-speedmixer.de