Case Study: SpeedMixer Application for Electrode Slurry Mix

Dry Blending and Grinding

  • Dry blending, with or without grinding media, of active materials with conductive additives and/or graphite for improved dispersion in composite slurry and enhanced electrical conductivity – particularly useful with nano-sized actives
  • Dry mixing of powders without grinding media to break up clumps for improved incorporation into slurry and dispersion – “gentle” technique, helpful when primary particle damage should be avoided
  • Grinding with ZrO beads or other media to break up stubborn agglomerates and/or reduce primary particle size

Degassing of Viscous Solutions

  • For most solutions, 2 min at 2000 RPM in Speedmixer (no vacuum) eliminates air bubbles more quickly and effectively than vacuum cycling without centrifugal mixing
  • Applying vacuum while mixing with Speedmixer degasses more stubborn solutions

Slurry Preparation – Incremental Dilution Method

  • Prepare at high solids content to create a uniform paste, incrementally dilute with solvent to achieve favorable
    rheological properties 
  • Generally faster and often better dispersion than slurry preparation with overhead mixer
  • No issues with entrained air
  • Usually results in higher solids mass fraction than overhead mix, while maintaining “coatable” viscosity
  • Improved slurry yield compared with overhead mixing – no mixing blade related losses, reduced slurry adhesion to vessel walls compared with glass beaker

Slurry Preparation with High Surface Area Materials

  • Improved rheological properties with high surface area materials, e.g. bimodal graphite for fast charge applications
  • Reproducible shear-thinning properties observed in Speedmixer prepared slurry
  • Oddly low viscosity at low shear rates for Overhead mixed slurry, with shear-thickening above 1 s-1 – this can cause serious problems with scale-up 

    attributed to entrained air that could not be removed via vacuum degassing